In the framework of the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, every traveler must have the possibility of being affected abroad by restrictions of any kind that impede or alter their freedom of movement.

In general, travelers are responsible for the eventual consequences of their decision to travel. The capacity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation and the network of Spanish Embassies and Consulates to provide emergency consular assistance is limited, it applies exclusively to Spanish travelers abroad and cannot, in any case, replace the capacities of other national health systems, require exceptions to the regulations of third countries, facilitate or defray the possible extension of stays abroad, whether voluntary or forced, or replace the operation of travel agencies or transport companies.

For this reason, it is reiterated to all travelers, regardless of their destination or the circumstances of their trip, the recommendation to stay informed at all times, to travel wisely and to have insurance that covers all eventualities during the trip.

However, Saida Housing World will try from this page to update the regulations of each destination, in their desire to make things easier for our clients.

We recommend that you review the travel restrictions applied by the countries you plan to travel to. See the travel news page provided by IATA for more information. Please check the specific entry requirements for the country you plan to travel to and review the passport, visa and health travel document requirements .

Restrictions in Morocco

International flights to Morocco have been resumed from June 15, 2021. Travelers can access Moroccan territory, under certain conditions, if they have a vaccination certificate or a negative PCR test at least 48 hours before the date of entry into Morocco. To apply this procedure, a classification of countries into two lists (A and B) has been adopted following the recommendations of the Ministry of Health.

Persons not vaccinated or incompletely vaccinated from list B must present

1-Pour the vaccines of the passages:

  • The health form duly completed and signed
  • A certificate that the passenger is fully vaccinated, at least two weeks after the administration of the second dose of the vaccine or the single dose vaccine.
  • A negative PCR certificate that does not exceed 48 hours at the time of shipment (interval between sampling and shipment).

2-For passengers who are incompletely vaccinated or not vaccinated:

2-1 Foreign passengers:

  • The health form duly completed and signed.
  • A negative PCR certificate that does not exceed 48 hours at the time of shipment.
  • quarantine commitment, duly completed and signed (to be provided by the crew)

A voucher that guarantees the payment of 10 days of quarantine in one of the hotels designated by the local authorities, with a control PCR test on the 9th day.

2-2 Moroccan passengers and members of their family (spouses, ascendants and descendants) Moroccan citizens, their families and foreign residents in Morocco:

  • The health form duly completed and signed
  • A negative PCR certificate that does not exceed 48 hours at the time of shipment.
  • Quarantine commitment, duly completed and signed (to be provided by the crew), mentioning commitment to self-isolation at home for 5 days, with screening test (rapid antigen or PCR) on the 5th day.

Children under the age of 11 are exempt from the PCR test, regardless of their country of origin.

For foreign passengers affected by the quarantine measure in one of the hotels designated by the Government, the cost of the transfer from the airport to the hotel will be borne by them.

Vaccines accepted in Morocco:  

  • Astrazeneca-SK Bio
  • Sinopharm
  • Sputnik
  • Pfizer/BioNTech
  • Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)
  • Covishield (Serum Institute of India)
  • Moderna
  • Sinovac

All passengers traveling from list B to transit country A are considered to belong to list B, unless they present proof of stay of 10 days in the country of list A.

Download and print the health declaration form and send it to the Moroccan authorities at the arrival airport.

What is the current health situation in Morocco?

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the health situation in Morocco has always been stable and with low levels of criticality.

For more information on the health situation in times of Covid 19 in Morocco, please click on the following link:

What are the sanitary measures that must be respected in Morocco?

As part of the fight against the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, Morocco guarantees the application of the sanitary measures recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the safety and health of all.

Para su seguridad y la de los demás durante su estancia en Marruecos, es necesario:

    • Wash your hands regularly for 20 seconds with soap or a hydroalcoholic solution.
    • Cough or sneeze into your elbow or into a single-use tissue and dispose of it in a trash can.
    • Maintain a distance of 1.5m with your interlocutor.
    • Avoid hand gestures, hugs and kisses and make sure you wear the mask.
    • Take all precautions when going outside.

Several hospital centers have been deployed to care for the infected and remain vigilant and at the service of citizens and tourists.

For more information on the health situation in times of Covid 19 in Morocco, please click on the following link:

Los países de la lista B no están incluidos en la primera lista y no se ven afectados por las medidas de ayuda disponibles para los países de la lista A. Dado que la apertura gradual de las fronteras es un proceso evolutivo, está prevista una actualización de estas dos listas cada dos semanas.

Tourists from list B countries fall into two categories. Vaccinated travelers or holders of a certificate proving that the person is vaccinated with one of the vaccines accepted in Morocco are exempt from quarantine and only need to present a negative PCR test dated less than 48 hours and a completed and signed health record before boarding.

Persons not vaccinated or with incomplete vaccination must comply with a 10-day controlled quarantine by presenting a negative PCR test of less than 48 hours, a completed and signed health record, a completed and signed declaration of honor for a 10-day confinement and a voucher confirming this confinement in one of the hotels previously designated by the Moroccan authorities . A PCR test is mandatory on the ninth day.

For Moroccan passengers and members of their families, as well as foreigners residing in Morocco who have not been vaccinated or have been incompletely vaccinated: self-isolation at home for 5 days is mandatory, with a detection test (rapid antigenic or PCR) on the 5th day. Children under the age of 11 are exempt from the PCR test.

What about people in transit?

A person from country B in transit through a country must complete the 10-day isolation. However, if the person is in transit for more than 10 days in country A, they do not need isolation in Morocco.

Official statement on entry requirements and documents to provide

Discover the list of airports accredited by the AHA

Restrictions in Turkey

Within the scope of the measures taken against the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19), the following decisions come into effect on July 1, 2021 regarding entry into Turkey, according to the Turkish authorities:

1) Passengers from Bangladesh, Brazil, South Africa, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka are prohibited from entering Turkey until further notice. But passengers traveling from these countries can transit to other countries without entering Turkey, our flights from these countries continue to be made. Passengers 6 years and older arriving in Turkey from another country but have been to Bangladesh, Brazil, South Africa, India, Nepal or Sri Lanka in the last 14 days, must submit a negative PCR test taken no more than 72 hours before of arrival and must be quarantined for 14 days in places determined by the Governors. If the result of the PCR test to be performed at the end of the 14th day of the quarantine is negative, the quarantine measure will end. Passengers whose PCR test result is positive will be taken into isolation as soon as the positive test result is received, and the measurement will end with a negative PCR test result to be performed at the end of day 14. Accommodation and airport transfer fees will be borne by passengers.
2) Passengers 6 years and older arriving from Afghanistan and Pakistan and passengers 6 years or older who have been in these countries in the past 14 days must have a negative PCR test result taken 72 hours prior to departure. arrival in Turkey. These passengers must remain in quarantine for 10 days in the quarantined hotels specified by the governorates. Accommodation and airport transfer fees will be borne by passengers. If the result of the PCR test taken at the end of the seventh day of quarantine is negative, the quarantine measure will end.
  • Students who are citizens of Afghanistan or Pakistan and coming to Turkey until September 1, 2021 for higher education will be admitted to board the flight if they present their valid and current student ID (students coming to Turkey to enroll must present acceptance letter or registration letter) showing that they study in Turkey. Upon entering the country, they will be subject to mandatory quarantine at the Kanuni Sultan Suleyman KYK dormitory in Istanbul and at the Tahsin Banguoglu KYK dormitory in Ankara.
  • Citizens of Afghanistan or Pakistan who have a residence or work permit in Turkey will be able to board the flight if they present a valid residence or work permit in Turkey. These passengers will be exempt from hotel quarantine and will be able to remain in quarantine at their residential address, and those whose first points of entry into the country are cities other than Istanbul or Ankara will be able to go to their residences only by private vehicle. It will not be allowed to board domestic flights or use public transport.
  • Turkish nationals arriving from Afghanistan or Pakistan will be exempt from hotel quarantine and may remain in quarantine at their residential address, and those whose first points of entry into the country are cities other than Istanbul or Ankara will be allowed to go to their residences. Only in a private vehicle, it will not be allowed to board domestic flights or use public transport.
3) Passengers who will be quarantined within the scope of the first and second article must make hotel reservations through the hotel contact details listed below prior to their flight at the first point of departure and pay the fees hotel accommodation totals before starting your trip. In accordance with the rules established by the relevant authorities, passengers who cannot present proof of payment to the officials at the first departure points will not be able to board our expired flights.
4) Passengers aged 6 years and over arriving in Turkey from the UK, Iran, Egypt and Singapore must present a negative PCR test result taken within the last 72 hours prior to arrival in Turkey.
5) Passengers aged 6 years and over who are not covered by the first, second and fourth articles and entering Turkey are expected to present the documents / certificates issued by the official authorities of the corresponding country at the first point of departure in the who have been vaccinated. at least 14 days before entering Turkey or having had COVID-19 disease in the last six months from the 28th day of the first positive PCR test result. These passengers will not be required to submit a negative PCR / antigen rapid test report and no quarantine measures will be applied to them. If the vaccination certificate or documents indicating that the passenger had COVID-19 disease cannot be presented,
6) Passengers are subject to PCR testing based on sampling upon arrival in Turkey. These passengers will be allowed to proceed to their final destination after the test samples are taken. If the test results are positive, they will be treated according to the Covid-19 guidelines of the Ministry of Health. Passengers and people in close contact with passengers with positive test results will be quarantined for 14 days at the addresses they have determined, and the quarantine conditions will end if the results of the PCR test to be performed at the end on the tenth day are negative. Quarantine conditions for those who are carriers of the Delta variant will end with a negative PCR test result at the end of day 14.

What's more:

  • These requirements are not mandatory for passengers on international transfers.
  • Passengers entering Turkey can submit molecular tests, also known as nucleic acid, genetic, RNA or PCR amplification tests.
  • As of March 15, 2021, passengers entering Turkey on international flights (excluding transfer passengers and passengers under 6 years of age) must complete the Turkey Entry Form, which can be accessed at this page , within 72 hours prior to your flight. A hard copy or mobile screenshot of the completed form will be reviewed at the stations before the flight.
  • All passengers must wear masks at airports and during flights.
  • Los pasajeros deben completar un formulario de información del pasajero en vuelos a Turquía.
  • Temperature measurements at Turkish airports have been removed for all destinations except flights to and from Canada, Singapore, and Guangzhou, and for passengers using hot hotspots (points used by transshipment passengers with a time of connection of 90 minutes or less) due to short connections. times.
  • Aircraft crew, sailors, and truck drivers will be exempt from SARS-COV-2 PCR testing and quarantine practices.
  • Obtaining an HES code is mandatory for flights within Turkey. There is no HES code requirement for non-Turkish citizens. For more information, see the Hayat Eve Sığar .
  • According to the decision of the relevant authorities, passengers arriving at Istanbul Airport (IST), who will be quarantined and who are citizens of the Republic of Turkey, will be re-examined in Istanbul regardless of the results of the test of PCR they present. The relevant authorities state that the passenger will cover the test fee. Passengers will be quarantined at their residential address if the test result is negative and passengers with positive results will be quarantined traveling to their place of residence in private vehicles (travel by public transport, plane and bus is not allowed) if your residence address is Istanbul.

Restrictions in Dubai

Entrance to the destination


  • Negative PCR test performed within 72 hours of arrival.
  • Travel insurance that covers expenses for Covid-19.

During the stay at the destination (Emirate of Dubai)


  • The circuits are operating normally.


Entry into Spain


Information for Spaniards, EU citizens, citizens of Schengen states and foreigners residing in Spain. As of July 14, 2021, to enter Spain, all passengers over 12 years of age will be required to present one of the following health control certificates:


  • Vaccination certificate issued by the competent authorities of the country of origin from 14 days after the date of administration of the last dose of the complete vaccination regimen.
  • Negative PCR certificate issued within 72 hours prior to arrival in Spain, considering this period from the date the sample was taken.
  • Recovery certificate.


The certificates must be written in Spanish, English, French or German.


Likewise, all passengers (including those under 12 years of age) who arrive in Spain by air or sea, including those who come in transit to other countries, must complete a health control form before departure through the web or the Spain Travel Health –SpTH– application.


The above certificates and the QR code generated by Spain Travel Health will be verified by the airline at the time of boarding.


In addition, upon arrival in Spain, travelers will be subjected to a health check that will include a temperature check, a visual check and a check of the corresponding certificate and QR code.


If a passenger suspected of suffering from COVID-19 or another pathology that may pose a risk to public health is detected in the process of health control carried out upon arrival, a medical evaluation will be carried out in which the epidemiological and epidemiological aspects will be assessed. passenger clinics. In the process of medical evaluation, a diagnostic test for active infection may be performed.


Certificate of vaccination against COVID-19:


Vaccination certificates issued by the competent authorities of the country of origin will be accepted as valid from 14 days after the date of administration of the last dose of the complete vaccination regimen. The accepted vaccines will be those authorized by the European Medicines Agency or those that have completed the emergency use process of the World Health Organization.


The vaccination certificate must include, at least, the following information:


  1. Name and surname of titular.
  2. Vaccination date, indicating the date of the last dose administered.
  3. Type of vaccine administered.
  4. Number of doses administered / complete regimen.
  5. Issuing country.
  6. Identification of the issuing body of the vaccination certificate.


Diagnostic Certificate


PCR / antigen test certificates with negative results issued within 48 hours prior to arrival in Spain will be accepted as valid.


The diagnostic test certificate must include, at least, the following information:


  1. Name and surname of titular.
  2. Date of taking the sample.
  3. Type of test performed.
  4. Issuing country.

The personal identification number (passport / DNI) that you use to perform the QR, must be the same that appears on the negative PCR / TMA certificate.


Certificado de recuperación que confirme que el titular se ha recuperado de la COVID-19
Se aceptarán como válidos los certificados de recuperación expedidos por la autoridad competente o por un servicio médico como mínimo 11 días después de la realización de la primera prueba diagnóstica con resultado positivo. La validez del certificado finalizará a los 180 días a partir de la fecha de la toma de la muestra.


  1. The recovery certificate must include, at least, the following information:
  2. Name and surname of titular.
  3. Date of sampling of the first positive diagnostic test.
  4. Type of test performed.
  5. Issuing country.


Our correspondent will see to it that clients can undergo the PCR test. Passengers have to bear the cost of it and have to pay it there and in cash. For more information on health controls for entry into Spain, see:

Restrictions in Egypt

Entry to the destination All travelers, both Egyptians and foreigners, must present one of the following certificates upon entry to Egypt:


• Complete vaccination certificate that must meet the following requirements:

  • Be issued by an accredited laboratory in the country of vaccination.
  • Have a QR code.
  • At least 14 days have elapsed since the complete vaccination regimen.
  • Take it printed on paper.
  • The vaccines accepted by the Egyptian authorities are: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Sinopharm, Sinovac, Sputnik and Janssen.

• Negative PCR (nasal) test performed within 72 hours prior to flight departure. The certificate must

Meet the following requirements:

  • Include the time of taking the sample, from which the 72 hours will be counted.
  • Be issued and sealed by an official laboratory.
  • Indicate the type of sample taken.
  • Express clearly that it is a PCR test.
  • The certificate must be issued in English and / or Arabic.
  • To verify the veracity of the document, the certificate must include the official seal of the laboratory in which the PCR test was performed or a valid QR code.
  • Take it printed on paper.
  • Children under six years of age will be exempt from submitting the PCR test.

Important note

The Egyptian authorities do not accept the following certificates and therefore a PCR test must be done to enter Egypt:

  • Covid recovery certificates.
  • Single-dose full regimen certificates (except Janssen single-dose). This affects those who have passed the Covid and have only been given one dose.

These requirements may vary with very little notice when they come into force, and the interpretation made of them by the airlines is not always homogeneous, so it is recommended, in any case, that travelers confirm with the airline before starting the trip the entry requirements that will be required.

During the stay at the destination

• Los circuitos turísticos funcionan con normalidad.
• Habitaciones triples para adultos no están permitidas por normativa COVID.

Entry into Spain

Information for Spaniards, EU citizens, citizens of Schengen states and foreigners residing in Spain.

A partir del 14 de julio de 2021, para entrar a España, a todos los pasajeros mayores de 12 años procedentes se les exigirá la presentación de alguno de los siguientes certificados de control sanitario:
Certificado de vacunación expedido por las autoridades competentes del país de origen a partir de los 14 días posteriores a la fecha de administración de la última dosis de la pauta vacunal completa.

  • Negative PCR certificate issued within 72 hours prior to arrival in Spain, considering this period from the date the sample was taken.
  • Recovery certificate.

Los certificados deberán estar redactados en español, inglés, francés o alemán.
Asimismo, todos los pasajeros (incluidos los menores de 12 años) que lleguen a España por vía aérea o marítima, incluidos los que vienen en tránsito con destino a otros países, deberán cumplimentar antes de la salida un formulario de control sanitario a través de la web o de la aplicación Spain Travel Health –SpTH–.

The above certificates and the QR code generated by Spain Travel Health will be verified by the airline at the time of boarding.

In addition, upon arrival in Spain, travelers will be subjected to a health check that will include a temperature check, a visual check and a check of the corresponding certificate and QR code.

If a passenger suspected of suffering from COVID-19 or another is detected in the health control process carried out upon arrival

pathology that may pose a risk to public health, a medical evaluation will be carried out in which the epidemiological and clinical aspects of the passenger will be assessed. In the process of medical evaluation, a diagnostic test for active infection may be performed.

Certificate of vaccination against COVID-19:

Vaccination certificates issued by the competent authorities of the country of origin will be accepted as valid from 14 days after the date of administration of the last dose of the complete vaccination regimen. The accepted vaccines will be those authorized by the European Medicines Agency or those that have completed the emergency use process of the World Health Organization.

The vaccination certificate must include, at least, the following information:

1. Nombre y apellido del titular.
2. Fecha de vacunación, indicando la fecha de la última dosis administrada.
3. Tipo de vacuna administrada.
4. Número de dosis administradas/pauta completa.
5. País emisor.
6. Identificación del organismo emisor del certificado de vacunación.

Diagnostic Certificate

PCR / antigen test certificates with negative results issued within 48 hours prior to arrival in Spain will be accepted as valid.

The diagnostic test certificate must include, at least, the following information:

1. Nombre y apellido del titular.
2. Fecha de la toma de la muestra.
3. Tipo de test realizado.
4. País emisor.

The personal identification number (passport / DNI) that you use to perform the QR, must be the same that appears on the negative PCR / TMA certificate.

Certificado de recuperación que confirme que el titular se ha recuperado de la COVID-19
Se aceptarán como válidos los certificados de recuperación expedidos por la autoridad competente o por un servicio médico como mínimo 11 días después de la realización de la primera prueba diagnóstica con resultado positivo. La validez del certificado finalizará a los 180 días a partir de la fecha de la toma de la muestra.

1. El certificado de recuperación deberá incluir, al menos, la siguiente información:
2. Nombre y apellido del titular.
3. Fecha de la toma de muestras del primer test diagnóstico positivo.
4. Tipo de test realizado.
5. País emisor.

Nuestro corresponsal se encargará de que los clientes se puedan hacer la prueba PCR. Los pasajeros se tienen que hacer cargo
del coste de la misma y la han de pagar allí y en efectivo.

For more information on health controls for entry into Spain, see:

Do you have any more questions?

If you have doubts or questions, or perhaps your trip has been affected by the COVID-19 restrictions, please contact us, we will answer you as soon as possible.

Contact us