Nilo con cena y espectáculo saida

    Nile Cruise Tour with Dinner and Show

    Do you want to enjoy a different night? On this cruise you will be seduced by the best views of illuminated Cairo while you enjoy a tasty dinner and enjoy various traditional folkloric shows.


    After pick you up from the hotel we will go to one of the Nile docks to board our 5-star ship, the Nile Maxim, awarded multiple times as the best ship on the Nile, or in the fantastic Nile Pharaohs, in the same category.

    During the two hours of navigation you will be able to enjoy the greatness of Cairo illuminated .

    The menu consists of a buffet of varied salads and a main dish to choose from between two options. The meal also includes both Egyptian and international desserts, so it is valid for anyone.

    To make the evening even more special, various shows will be offered, including belly dancing, whirling dervishes, folk dances and live music .

    At the end of the tour we will take you back to the hotel .

    Our Score

    General information

    It includes

    • Pick up and transfer back to the hotel.
    • 2 hour boat trip.
    • Salad buffet dinner with Egyptian or international dishes.
    • Different shows.
    • Spanish speaking assistant.

    Does not include

    • Drinks.


    • Three hours.


    • The activity is carried out with a guide who speaks Spanish.

    Precautions against Covid-19

    Security measures in force

    • All surfaces that visitors come in contact with will be cleaned frequently
    • You must maintain a safe distance in vehicles
    • The number of visitors will be limited to avoid crowds

    Requirements for travelers

    • You must bring your own mask
    • You must fill out a form with travel information
    • You must submit to a mandatory temperature control

    Book Your Excursion