ciudades imperiales de marruecos

    5 Days - Tour through the imperial cities of Morocco

    Day 1 - Casablanca - Rabat

    Llegada por la mañana al aeropuerto de Casablanca. «Dependiendo de la época del año puede haber diferencia horaria». Una vez pasado el control de pasaportes y recuperado el equipaje, nos encontraremos con el chofer que nos acompañará todos los días del recorrido. Aprovechando nuestra llegada a la capital económica del país, haremos una visita «panorámica» por los lugares más emblemáticos: los restos de la Muralla, la Ciudad Nueva, «la Corniche», que es el paseo marítimo y haremos una visita guiada de la Mezquita Hassan II, que posee el minarete más alto del mundo. El chofer nos aconsejara algún restaurante delante del mar donde se pueda comer pescado fresco. Tras la comida saldremos en dirección Rabat. Trayecto de 100 km por autopista, aproximadamente una hora de recorrido. Alojamiento y cena en Hotel 4* o Riad en Rabat.

    Day 2 - Rabat - Meknes

    This morning we will visit Rabat, the capital of the country, with a local guide. Among the places we will visit is: the Kasbah des Oudaias, a well-preserved fortified neighborhood built on a cliff from where we can see the neighboring city of Sale.

    We will continue with Le Tour Hassan and the Mausoleum of Mohammed V, we will also visit the Chellah, an ancient Roman city converted into a necropolis.

    In the afternoon we will go to the Roman Ruins of Volubilis, the largest Roman archaeological site in Morocco: Triumphal Arch, Capitol, Bacchus House ... they form this outdoor treasure. On the way to Meknes we will pass through the holy city of Moulay Idriss, who converted the local Berber population to Islam before founding Fez.

    The city unfolds its beautiful white houses around the mausoleum and remains a spiritual center, a protected place that takes the traveler to other times.

    Llegada a Meknes, una de las ciudades imperiales más hermosas y poderosas de Marruecos.
    Alojamiento y cena en Hotel 4* o Riad

    Day 3 - Meknes - Fez

    Esta mañana, visitaremos Meknes con un guía local. Su Medina es más pequeña y relajada que su vecina Fez pero no por ello menos importante. Fundada en el siglo X por una tribu bereber, se convirtió en la capital del país en el siglo XVII. También forma parte del Patrimonio mundial de la UNESCO. Aún hoy en día, está protegida por unos cuarenta kilómetros de murallas, donde destaca el «Bab al Mansour», una puerta de grandes dimensiones considerada de las más bellas y bien conservadas del país. La ciudad alberga imponentes monumentos, entre ellos muchas mezquitas, de ahí que se la llame «la ciudad de los cien alminares». Visitaremos el Mausoleo de Moulay Ismail, los graneros-establo «Heri es Souani» y la prisión subterránea «Habs Qara». Por la tarde, nos dirigiremos hacia Fez. Alojamiento y cena en Riad en la Medina u hotel 4*.

    Day 4 - Discover Fez

    Today we will visit Fez-el Bali, or what is the same, the old Medina of Fez, one of the most authentic and best preserved in the entire Arab world. We will walk through its labyrinthine medieval streets where, among the bustle of its people, craft centers, mosques and palaces are hidden. Fez is undoubtedly the holiest of the Imperial Cities of Morocco, as well as the most cultural. Strolling through the Old City is like moving back to medieval times. We will do it accompanied by a local guide, always on foot, because in this Medina, a World Heritage Site by Unesco, the access of motor vehicles is prohibited. In the afternoon we will continue the visit seeing how the different neighborhoods are distributed, always around everyday scenes such as the Mosque, the Fountain, the Furnace, the Baths and the Koranic School. We will have the opportunity to see the famous tanneries, where they tan hides and go up to a viewpoint where before sunset we will be able to hear the last call to prayer. Accommodation and dinner in a Riad in the Medina or a 4 * hotel.

    Day 5 - Back Home

    At the agreed time, pick up at the Riad and transfer to the airport in Fez to catch the return flight.

    End of our services.


    General information

    It includes

    • Arrival and departure shuttles.
    • Pick up in Casablanca at the hotel, Riad, Airport or wherever you want.
    • One night in Rabat in a Riad or Hotel 4 * on a Half Board basis
    • One night in Meknes in a Riad or Hotel 4 * on a Half Board basis
    • Two nights in Fez in a Riad in the Medina or a 4 * Hotel on a Half Board basis
    • Transportation in 4×4 or in the mibi-bus for the whole group.
    • Visit of the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca
    • Entrance of the Chellah in Rabat
    • Visit with a local guide in Meknes
    • Visit of Volubilis with entrance and guide
    • Entradas de los graneros y establo «Heri es Souani» y de la prisión «Habs Qara»
    • Fuel, tolls and all associated expenses.
    • Accompanying guide throughout the route who speaks Spanish.
    • Madrasa entrance
    • Night in haimas camp.
    • Basic travel assistance insurance

    Does not include

    • Plane tickets
    • Drinks of all kinds
    • Meals at noon, except detailed
    • Other personal extras such as quads, massages ...
    • Entradas a los monumentos.

    Precautions against Covid-19

    Security measures in force

    • All surfaces that visitors come in contact with will be cleaned frequently
    • You must maintain a safe distance in vehicles
    • The number of visitors will be limited to avoid crowds

    Requirements for travelers

    • You must bring your own mask
    • You must fill out a form with travel information
    • You must submit to a mandatory temperature control

    Book Your Excursion