Luces de Abu Simbel I

    8 Days - Abu Simbel Lights I + Flight

    Abu Simbel is one of the most majestic monuments of the civilization of the pharaohs and its Sound and Light show something worth seeing.

    This circuit will immerse you in the enigmatic Egyptian culture, being the perfect balance between an organized trip in which you will always feel accompanied and a trip at your own pace where you will have time to get to know the unique city of Cairo.

    In the cruise we are going to include the most significant and important visits of the ancient pharaonic culture; the Temple of Karnak, the Temple of Luxor, the Valley of the Kings, the Temple of Hatshepsut, the Colossi of Memnon, The Temple of Edfu, the Temple of Kom Ombo, the Temple of Philae and also a felucca ride, the typical Nile boat. In addition, we are also going to include a visit to the Abu Simbel Temples by day and the Sound and Light show at sunset.

    When you are in Cairo , you will visit the Pyramids, the Sphinx of Giza and the Temple of the Valley of Khafre and you will also have free time to know the great metropolis of Cairo by hiring one of the optional excursions that will immerse you even more in the fascinating Egyptian culture.


    Departure according to flight plan.
    Arrival in Cairo, assistance and connection with the flight to Luxor.
    Arrival, assistance and transfer to the motor ship where we will make the cruise on the Nile River.
    Accommodation (light cold dinner in the room).

    Day 2 - LUXOR - ESNA - EDFU

    Full board. At the scheduled time, departure to visit Luxor.
    We will visit: the Valley of the Kings, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and which houses most of the tombs of the pharaohs of the New Kingdom. The Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, who was the first woman to occupy the position of pharaoh; The temple, located in Deir El Bahari, is one of the few temples built directly into the rock and consists of several terraces that served as vestibules to accommodate crowds of people during religious festivities. The Colossi of Memnon, gigantic statues representing the pharaoh Amenhotep III and which have remained in a seated position for more than 3,500 years. The Karnak Temple erected in honor of the god Amun and the main place of worship in Egypt since the dynasties that made up the New Kingdom and that has, among others, a magnificent 23-meter-high hypostyle hall that houses nothing less than 134 columns and the Temple of Luxor, smaller than Karnak and connected to it by an impressive avenue of ram-headed sphinxes, better known as the Avenue of the Sphinxes.
    Return to the motor ship, navigation and night on board.

    Day 3 - EDFU - KOM OMBO - ASWAN

    Full board. Departure to visit the Temple of Edfu, erected in honor of the falcon-headed god Horus. The temple, located on the western bank of the River Nile, is one of the largest in Egypt and the best preserved so far. The inscriptions on its walls provide important information about language, mythology and religion during the Greco-Roman period.
    Return to the motor ship and navigation.
    Arrival in Kom Ombo and departure to visit the only temple in Egypt dedicated simultaneously to two gods, the crocodile-headed god Sobek and the falcon-headed god Haroeris.
    Return to the motor ship, navigation and night on board.

    Day 4 - ASWAN

    Pensión completa. Salida para realizar la visita del Templo de Philae, construido en honor a la diosa Isis y considerado la joya del Nilo. También realizaremos un paseo en faluca o motora por el Nilo.
    A la hora prevista, salida por carretera para realizar la visita a los majestuosos Templos de Abu Simbel.
    Almuerzo tipo picnic .
    Asistencia al espectáculo de luz y sonido al atardecer.
    Regreso a la motonave y cena (puede ser cena fría en función de la hora de regreso).
    Noche a bordo.

    Day 5 - ASWAN - CAIRO

    Breakfast. At the scheduled time, disembark and transfer to the airport to fly to Cairo.
    Reception and transfer to the hotel.

    Day 6 - CAIRO

    Breakfast. Departure for a panoramic visit to the Pyramids of Giza.
    Our visit will consist of a panoramic view of the necropolis with a stop in front of each of the pyramids that make it up, Khufu, Khafra and Mencaura (Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure), we will continue with the Valley Temple that Pharaoh Khafre ordered to be built and finally we will visit the sacred guardian of the entire enclosure: The Great Sphinx, half human, half lion.
    Return to the hotel and accommodation.

    Optional: Possibility of making the optional visit of Memphis and Sakkara with lunch included in a local restaurant.
    The city of Memphis was the first capital of the Old Kingdom when the country was unified. Founded by Narmer, it is now an open-air museum where among other works we can see a monumental statue of Ramses II in white limestone that originally measured 13 meters. Continuation of the visit to the Sakkara necropolis, which houses the most innovative and revolutionary tomb of the Old Kingdom, the step pyramid that Pharaoh Zoser ordered the architect Imhotep to build.

    Day 7 - CAIRO

    Breakfast. Free day at your disposal in which you can participate in optional visits.
    Overnight at the hotel.

    Optional: Possibility of making the optional full-day visit to the city with lunch included in a local restaurant. Includes a short tour of the Coptic Quarter where the Church of Santa María la Virgen, better known as the Hanging Church, the Church of San Jorge and the Church of San Sergio is located. Continuation in the Museum of Egyptian Art that houses in its interior the treasure of Pharaoh Tutankamon; the Mosque of Mohamed Ali Pasha, better known as the Alabaster Mosque; the Citadel of Salah El Din (Saladin, who was Sultan of Egypt), declared a World Heritage Site and the Grand Bazaar of Khan el Khalili where we can wander around to do some shopping or have a tea at the Café del Fishawi or Café de los Espejos ( Famous for being the place where the Egyptian Nobel Prize winner Nagib Maghfuz wrote his Cairo stories).


    Breakfast. At the scheduled time transfer to the airport and departure flight.
    End of trip and our services.

    Important note: The description of the itinerary is generic and subject to variation without affecting the content of the program.

    General information

    It includes

    – 04 noches Crucero Nilo P/C (sin bebidas) + 03 noches Cairo A/D.
    – Vuelos regulares en clase turista.
    – Traslados.
    – Traslado Aswan / Abu Simbel / Aswan por carretera.
    – Guía local de habla hispana durante las visitas.
    – Tasas, Carburante, Seguro de viaje.

    Visitas incluidas
    – Crucero: Templo de Karnak y Luxor, Valle de los Reyes, Templo de Hatshepsut, Colosos de Memnon, Templo de Edfú, Templo de Kom Ombo, Templo de Philae y Paseo en faluca o motora por El Nilo.
    – Cairo: Pirámides y Esfinge de Guiza.
    – Abu Simbel: Templos de Abu Simbel y espectáculo de Luz y Sonido delante de los Templos.

    Does not include

    – Visado: 25$ (pago obligatorio en destino).
    – Propinas y Cuota de servicio (pago obligatorio en destino): 65 € para la categoría básica y 35 € para el resto de categorías.

    Important notes

    - This offer replaces the previous ones and is valid for reservations made from the date indicated in each offer.
    - Consult flight conditions, the tickets offered are with reservation and immediate issuance and are NOT refundable.
    - The published prices are per person in Double or Triple.
    - Offer based on special contracting and cancellation conditions in case of withdrawal by the client.
    - Final prices may vary due to changes in rates, rates and / or fuel.

    Precautions against Covid-19

    Security measures in force

    • All surfaces that visitors come in contact with will be cleaned frequently
    • You must maintain a safe distance in vehicles
    • The number of visitors will be limited to avoid crowds

    Requirements for travelers

    • You must bring your own mask
    • You must fill out a form with travel information
    • You must submit to a mandatory temperature control

    Book Your Excursion